Multimodal cargo delivery of goods

Our transport company "Navigator - Transkom Siberia" implements multimodal transportation of goods throughout Russia from Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk and from other cities of the Russian Federation by several modes of transport, as well as from various cities, regions, countries and continents (CIS, Europe, China to Russia or from Russia).

Reasons for organizing multimodal cargo transportation

Transportation services are required to deliver cargo to remote, inaccessible places where it is not possible to deliver the cargo by one mode of transport or delivery by one vehicle may be high.

We manage multimodal transportation, logistics, plan stages and draw up the necessary shipment documents.

The cost of multimodal transportation is calculated individually, because the transportation process includes many factors that need to be taken into account and prepare a calculation for the route that is needed. For example, in the application, you must specify: from where, when, type of delivery, gross weight.

We organize the transportation of goods using several types of transport and the presence of transshipment points in the delivery chain.


- Transportation of cargo by sea, followed by transshipment at the seaport and final delivery by road, via trucks.

- Transportation delivery in several links:

  • Sea transportation to the port of destination;
  • Transshipment of cargo and loading onto railway transport;
  • Transportation of goods by rail;
  • Transshipment at the destination railway terminal and loading onto road transport;
  • Transportation of goods by road to the consignee's warehouse.

Several types of transport are used in transportation with cargo transshipment.


The advantage of multimodal transportation is the ability to deliver cargo from anywhere in the world.

Convenient, because all transported goods from other continents are delivered in this way. The logist assembles various types of transport based on the expediency of the timing and cost of delivery of the goods at his discretion.

Conditions of multimodal transportation

Multimodal transportation is characterized by several conditions.

1. Cargo handling. The terminal can act as a transshipment point:

  • seaport;
  • railway station;
  • airport;
  • consolidation warehouse for road transport.

2. A certain number of links in the supply chain. The link in the chain must be ready for operation at the specified time.

Preparation includes items:

  • informing the representatives of the links;
  • coordination of the cost of work;
  • agreeing on the terms during which the work must be completed;
  • agreeing on the formalities to be followed;
  • coordination of standards for handling cargo.

Transportation logistics are similar to architecture or planning.

Preparation is carried out in advance, and the units are ready to work at a certain time.

There should be no problem when the cargo is delivered to the terminal, where no one knows about its arrival. Or no one is awaiting.

The consequence of accepting such a cargo can threaten with various penalties or even sending cargo along the return route for non-compliance with certain rules.

3. Complex document flow. Cargo transported by rail may require customs transit clearance. And customs transit is processed on the basis of a bill of lading with a customs mark on the arrival of the cargo at the port.

4. Accounting for freight traffic. We use specialized software for notification of cargo statuses.

5. Verification of documents. The characteristics of the cargo (key) and the route of transportation are unified and uniform, since discrepancies in documents can negatively affect both during the carriage of goods.

For example, there should be no such discrepancies:

The cargo was declared on one pallet, but in fact ended up in eight boxes. Because of this, you will have to re-submit the declaration.

The cargo was declared on one pallet, but in fact ended up in eight boxes. Because of this, you will have to re-submit the declaration.

Acceptance of cargo in quantities that do not correspond to the documents. When interacting with regulatory authorities, this can lead to problems.

Documents used for multimodal transportation

We use the documents used in multimodal transportation because these are small transportation by various modes of transport:

  • Air waybill (airwaybill or AWB) - for air transportation;
  • Railway bill (RWB) - for railway transportation;
  • Bill of lading (bill of lading or B / L) - for sea carriage;
  • Waybill for road transport (CMR or similar) - for road transport of goods.

During delivery, our logistician can issue a multimodal bill of lading as confirmation of acceptance of the goods for transportation. Such a document is needed for added convenience, but it is not accepted during customs clearance, and in resolving any controversial issues.
Multimodal transportation of goods in Russia, prompt delivery in Russia, the CIS, abroad (Europe, China)

During transportation, our logistician can issue a multimodal bill of lading as confirmation of acceptance of the goods for transportation. Such a document is needed for added convenience, but it is not accepted during customs clearance, and in resolving any controversial issues.
Multimodal transportation services, both within Russia and international. Profitable terms! Order and send a request to our company in Krasnoyarsk.

Order delivery of multimodal international cargo