Standard delivery

This is the most popular type of delivery in both Russian and international traffic. Standard cargo is considered to be cargo that does not require a special temperature regime and the total weight of which does not exceed 20 tons, and is also included in the volume of the semi-trailer in compliance with the rules for ensuring traffic.

Loading is possible using any loaders and crane-tool equipment. The new design of the semi-trailer's sliding roof facilitates and speeds up the loading and unloading process.

With such transportation/delivery, you can count on a high quality speed of delivery from Europe to Russia, and in the opposite direction.

The main area of ​​our activity is such direct delivery from the Russian Federation directly to the EU countries: Germany, Holland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, - this is 90% of our transportation, and 10% countries such as: Spain, France, Hungary, Romania. Transportation is carried out both for the transportation of imports and for exports from Russia.

LLC "Navigator - Transkom Siberia" carries out basic, regular flights for the delivery of standard cargo in the following geographic directions:

Europe → Smolensk → Moscow → Yekaterinburg → Omsk → Novosibirsk → Irkutsk

  • Krasnojarsk → Minsk → Hungary
  • Nyagan → Poland → Rostov-on-Don
  • Moscow → Smolensk → Germany (Serbia, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Czech Republic)
  • Siberia → Smolensk → (Serbia, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Czech Republic)
  • Europe → Russia

Standard delivery

The most popular directions of groupage cargo transportation on the territory of Russia: Moscow - Smolensk - Omsk - Novosibirsk - Chelyabinsk - Bryansk - Yekaterinburg - Podolsk - Tambov - Penza - Syzran - Khabarovsk - Lesosibirsk - Samara - Nyagan - Perm - Irkutsk - Krasnoyarsk - Tyumen, Kazan - Barnaul - Nizhny Novgorod, etc.

Order delivery of standard cargo