Standard delivery
This is the most popular type of delivery in both Russian and international traffic. Standard cargo is considered to be cargo that does not require a special temperature regime and the total weight of which does not exceed 20 tons, and is also included in the volume of the semi-trailer in compliance with the rules for ensuring traffic.
Loading is possible using any loaders and crane-tool equipment. The new design of the semi-trailer's sliding roof facilitates and speeds up the loading and unloading process.
With such transportation/delivery, you can count on a high quality speed of delivery from Europe to Russia, and in the opposite direction.
The main area of our activity is such direct delivery from the Russian Federation directly to the EU countries: Germany, Holland, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, - this is 90% of our transportation, and 10% countries such as: Spain, France, Hungary, Romania. Transportation is carried out both for the transportation of imports and for exports from Russia.
LLC "Navigator - Transkom Siberia" carries out basic, regular flights for the delivery of standard cargo in the following geographic directions:
Europe → Smolensk → Moscow → Yekaterinburg → Omsk → Novosibirsk → Irkutsk
- Krasnojarsk → Minsk → Hungary
- Nyagan → Poland → Rostov-on-Don
- Moscow → Smolensk → Germany (Serbia, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Czech Republic)
- Siberia → Smolensk → (Serbia, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Czech Republic)
- Europe → Russia
The most popular directions of groupage cargo transportation on the territory of Russia: Moscow - Smolensk - Omsk - Novosibirsk - Chelyabinsk - Bryansk - Yekaterinburg - Podolsk - Tambov - Penza - Syzran - Khabarovsk - Lesosibirsk - Samara - Nyagan - Perm - Irkutsk - Krasnoyarsk - Tyumen, Kazan - Barnaul - Nizhny Novgorod, etc.